References Internet puzzle

The many 'memes' online about how you should definitely not wear your mask. Koen Geens went viral with his original way, which you can see here.
Hackers on wifi tower
Everyone knows the notorious hackers online. Through strange links and messages they suddenly take over your account. Be careful!
Insert money
Do you also sometimes get strange emails from a Nigerian Prince asking you to deposit money in exchange for gold or maybe oil? Here is how Basta handles these kinds of situations.
Fake news stand
The internet is known for spreading a lot of fake news and gossip. It is a dangerous beast sometimes.
Nowadays you can buy everything online and you will certainly not forget this soon, because advertisements can be seen ev-erywhere.
The internet is the most dangerous place to add things to your shopping cart that you don't need. 'People also often buy...' and so the temptation begins.
Google taxi
With Google Taxi you can surf as quickly as possible to any place, err, page, you want.
I'm not a cat!
Unfortunately, this lawyer could no longer turn off his filter on Zoom.
Teleporting machine
The internet is like a teleportation machine: before you know it you are on the other side of the world, but on a website of course.
Internet users
The Internet with all its platforms is, without a doubt, a very easy way to maintain ties and stay in touch with each other.
Pyramid Scheme
Fraudsters use the money paid by new recruits to pay off investors in earlier stages. At some point, the schemes become too big and people lose their money. Learn more here!
You almost go crazy with all those online buy and push ads! No, I don't need a vacuum cleaner now!
The online dating app. Swiping is the new dating.
Where's Wally?
Did you spot this Wally?
Get rich quick
Pop-up notifications promising you get rich quick. Don't be fooled!
In January 2021, former President Trump was permanently blocked from the Twitter platform.De Morgen article
Woman in your area
Online advertising for nice girls from your area who would like to go on a date. Nice, right? New friendships guaranteed!
There is a lot of money to be made on the internet. Internet millionaires that are created by crazy investments like cryptocurrencies, stocks or just a really good business plan. Before you know it, you might be one of those people!
People revolted against 5G masts. Let's burn them: VRT article.
Amazon boxes
These azon boxes point to the rising importance of E-commerce in this era! Beware, this is just the beginning of online shopping!
The new way to deliver your online orders? Drones! Amazon is currently working on it.
Linux is a kind of Windows. It is an operating system, only no consumer uses it. However, it is still a very popular system, but then for large electronic devices, gigantic computers and also most smartphones use it.
Teleport to paradise
The internet is the fastest and easiest way to find a good deal. Before you know it, you've booked a trip to Hawaii, 700 euros all in! You can't pass that up, can you? A quick pit stop at Zalando for a suitable outfit and nothing can go wrong!
Whoopsie, it's Catfishing of course, not catphishing.... A catfish is someone who creates one or more false online identities to lure or mislead other people. The meaning of catfish goes back to the American documentary Catfish. Now Phishing is also an internet scam. In this case, someone impersonates an institution to obtain people's data via email! So be sure to watch out for both and don't get 'caught'.
Everyone knows the familiar sign, but it's already fading a bit. Windows was it, right?
Investing online has never been easier! NFTs, cryptocurrencies or stocks, you name it... It's a real hype in 2021! Here's a guide 'Online stock trading 101'.
Flying advertising
The constantly flying ads on the internet. Just like an airplane in the sky with a banner, you can hardly miss it.
Social media addicts
Do you know 'social media addicts'? People who feel more loved and better the more they receive likes. These likes work like dopamine for the brain.
Facebook likes
The famous Facebook hand
Full Inbox
Do you also know that feeling at work, when you are buried under thousands of emails?
Hotdog stand
Hungry? From your couch in 1,2,3... and your food is already ordered! E-commerce and home delivery, can we do without it?
Email Tube
Gmail/ Hotmail/ Outlook/ Skynet/... you name it. The online version of sending a note, but much faster!
Accept Cookies?
Almost every page you visit asks you. 'Accept cookies?' Do you accept them all or just the necessary ones?
You click once on something wrong and your mailbox is full of unwanted messages, called spam. Maybe about a box of viagra?
You know the ads and spam in your mailbox... Have you visited any exciting sites recently? ;)
Online Casino
These numbers are associated with 'online casino'. Are you a slot machine fan or are you more into a good game of poker?
Surveillance cameras
Do you sometimes feel like you are being spied on? One moment you are talking about pregnancy and the next moment you get a clearblue advert on your device.
Did you see this Wally? The non-interactive users on the internet who just watch and follow everything from home.
Internet explorer
The classic, the web browser of web browsers, the senior program that wishes you a happy 2010 in 2020... This one simply could not be missing from an internet puzzle.
Only Happy faces
Everything seems better on social media and everyone seems to be having the time of their lives! But what is really hidden behind all those happy faces? Is it all a facade?
Open 24/24
The internet never stands still and is always available 24/7.
Twitter bird
Twitter birds in the sky. Do you hear them whistling too?
Dr. Google
Do you sometimes use Doctor Google? You actually just have a cold, but now you think you have a chronic disease, right?
You can hardly miss them. It is the age of influencers and social media is full of them! Are you also participating in their contests?
The way to express your feelings online! Are you :) or rather :/ today?
All platforms online revolve around likes. Facebook, twitter, instagram... Do you also attach such importance to likes?
Instagram like
The way on instagram to show someone you like their photo.
Ever wanted to google when you had no internet? Then you've definitely seen this dinosaur again. A game to keep you busy during your wifi-free period.
Bitcoin, the most famous cryptocurrency. But what is this Cryptocurrency? Actually nothing more than digital money! Read more here.
Wall posts
Nowadays we post everything online on our wall. Our Facebook wall, Twitter wall and even LinkedIn. Strange huh, sticking everything on a wall?